The Third Session of ODC International Forum for Young Marine Scientists was Successfully Accomplished

Date: 2021-10-14 17:19 Author: admin Clicks:

The Third Session of 2021 ODC International Forum for Young Marine Scientists was successfully accomplished in the afternoon of 30 September 2021. The forum attracted much attention of previous trainees, and has seen the number of more than 35 participants.

The session focused on Sharing research achievements and progresses. Four young scholars, also participated in the previous training. Mr Emmanuel Eresanya, as the first speaker from Nigeria, shared his recently published work: Structure of the Pacific Walker circulation (PWC) Depicted by the Reanalysis and CMIP6. Ms Keerthi Sasikumar, as the second speaker, shared Impacts of Extreme Hot Climate on Covid19 Spread in India, acording to the research, it is recognized that to avoid such pandemics in the future, tough mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and further limit warming are urgently needed. Then Mr Augustine Onyango from Kenya, shared Impacts of ENSO Cold Phase on Equatorial East Africa Seasonal Drought. Last but not the least, Ms Palmira Cuellar-Ramirez, from Mexico, shared Science Diplomacy for our Marine Systems Governance. It should be noted that Palmira's speech was made at 3 a.m. local time. Every scholar has contributed their own efforts to this forum, the meeting processed in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. The forum has aroused considerable interest, and many express regrets in their emails for not being able to attend, and expect to join in the next session.

Mr Emmanuel Eresanya

Ms Keerthi Sasikumar

Mr Augustine Onyango

Ms Palmira Cuellar-Ramirez
The ODC center will continue to provide the platform for young marine scientists to have in-depth communication and effective discussion on their perspectives and research progress on marine science development through the organization of various Forum activities. For the events that will follow, the ODC center will make full preparations in terms of the optimization of network platform, selection of topics and exhibition of outcomes, trying to offer an audio-visual banquet for young researchers in the field of ocean and climate. Previous trainees or new partners are highly welcomed to join in these activities and share research progress or achievements on this platform.